Author: admin

letter to world consulates general for awareness of human rights

A letter to the world Consulates General for raising voice for Human Rights Violations: Kashmir, Palestine

Dear Consulate General, I am writing to you today to raise my voice against the ongoing human rights violations that are taking place in Kashmir and Palestine. As a concerned citizen, I feel that it is important to bring this issue to your attention and to urge you to takeRead More

Kashmir conflict Resolution

Content uploaded by Abrar Ahmed, Author content Content may be subject to copyright. Running Head: KASHMIR CONFLICT RESOLUTION The Institute of Conflict Resolution and Social Development Abrar Ahmed, Professor Muhammad Rizwan, Raja Imtiyaz Ahmed, Wahaid Ahmed, Tariq Gulzar, Shamazia Iqbal, Raja Ejaz Ahmed Shaique It’s worth noting that the Kashmir conflictRead More

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+353 89 428 0577 fb/ircrsd

Partnerships & Join Ventures

Our Partnerships & Join Ventures Policy is open for All                 IRCRSD has open arms for any organization will to do joint venture for Conflict Resolution, Peace Building ad Social Development.         Currently we have joint venture with following Non-Governmental Organizations Ikhtilaf News Media Group of Publications Save Humanity Foundation MyRead More

IRCIDS Publications

Following are IRCIDS Publications  Research Reports, Publications, Annual Reports Newsletters Face Books on Each Conflict

IRCIDS Digital Database on Conflict and Peace

IRCIDS Digital Database on Conflict and Peace                 To Study Conflict and Peace, Various Theories and Conflicted Areas and establish a Digital Database to provide assistance to people and organizations willing to do research on the subject.

Trainings and Internship

Our Trainings and Internship Program is:.                 Establishment of Training Institute to teach Conflict Studies and Social Development


Our Goals are:. Short Term Goals Thorough and Impartial Study of the Each and Every Conflict of the World Qualitative & Quantitative Research (Where it applies) for the Causes of the Conflict. Qualitative & Quantitative Research (Where it applies) for the Resolution of the Conflict. Issuance of Monthly Newsletter for theRead More


Our Scope of Work is A.    Conflict Resolution & Pease Building Conflict analysis and peace building Conflicts in Globe Conflicts in South Asia Kashmir Issue Counter-Radicalization/ Peace with Peace B.    Social Development Social Development in the less developed Areas. Working on SDGs in South Asia Relief & Rehabilitation Activities inRead More

Organizational Chart

Our Organizational Chart is as appended below:. Chairman Senior Vice Chairman Vice Chairman General Secretary Joint Secretary Finance Secretary Information Secretary Director Research Director Conflict Resolution Director Social Development

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