Aims & Objectives

Our Aims & Objectives are

        The Objective of IRCRSD is to study and explore why conflict and violence occur and learn how conflict can be managed and transformed to accomplish constructive ends. Moreover, How the Social Development of the area of conflict is affected by the conflict. IRCRSD also plans to enable the achievement of excellence by the research community, the Office of Research:

Our Research Values and Guiding Principles


  • We are committed to treating each other, our process partners and others we work with, as valued colleagues, guided by open communication, collaboration, partnership, integrity and respect in order to achieve our common goals.
  • We believe that our employees are our most valuable asset and we strive to recognize the dedication, expertise, hard work and creativity among members of our Office of Research community.
  • We are committed to providing a culture of continuous learning for all OR staff and the campus at large to foster a high level of expertise and provide the tools necessary for high performance.
  • We support a work/life balance for all the employees in our organization.


  • We encourage innovation, reflective thinking, flexibility and adaptability in our approaches to our work, in alignment with our mission to create client-centered services.


  • We make our decisions with openness and honesty, and to enhance the value of the organization campus-wide.
  • We promote responsible research practices in alignment with ethical principles and compliance regulations.


  • We encourage and promote open communication both within the Office of Research and with process partners and campus.
  • We build strong relationships with existing and potential sponsors
  • We join our research community in communicating the benefits of research to the state community, the nation and the world.


  • We value and welcome a diversity of staff, as an organization that is enriched by a multitude of perspectives and experiences.


  • We are committed to developing a range of resources and strategies designed to provide the highest level of quality services possible to the research community that positions the UW research program for a successful future.


  • We see our role in the future of the UW as making it easier for researchers to carry out their research by being responsive, proactive and innovative
  • We are committed to supporting the research effort at the UW, balancing service and compliance in a mutually beneficial approach.

Strategic Goals and Objectives

Add Value to the Overall Research Experience

  • Provide exceptional research administrative services while effectively managing risks and opportunities
  • Develop strategies and a plan for open and clear communication
  • Improve access to key information
  • Improve researcher productivity and satisfaction by reducing administrative burden
  • Decrease barriers to collaboration

Achieve Operational Excellence

  • Streamline business processes
  • Develop effective relationships with process partners and the campus research community
  • Identify and adapt best practices
  • Promote a culture of continuous process improvement
  • Embrace a culture of transparency and accountability
  • Strategically analyze risks and benefits

Add Value to the IRCRSD

  • Work within the Jurisdiction of Conflict Resolution and at an international level to impact world-wide strategic initiatives, strategic research directions and policies
  • Improve integration of research and education
  • Improve translation of research into the public benefit
  • Promote and enhance cross-cutting research initiatives
  • Increase and diversify external research funding

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