About Us

Introduction & Background

IRCRSD is a dream and brain child of famous researcher, writer, journalist Raja Abrar Ahmed. Though Idea of IRCRSD was launched many years ago by Raja Abrar Ahmed but formally the Institute was established in the month of November 2020. Its documentation and registration process was completed in Jan 2021.

UN and History of World Conflicts

The United Nations Charter notes that the United Nations was founded to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.” Tragically, there have been over 250 armed conflicts since the Charter was signed in 1946. Sustainable Development Goal 16: Promote Just, Peaceful, and Inclusive Societies, calls for all Member States to promote peaceful co-existence among people.  Some of its primary targets include reducing arms flows and combatting organized crime, as well as significantly reducing all forms of violence worldwide.

Today more than 600 million young people live in volatile and conflict-prone areas. Young people are disproportionately affected by the multiple and often interlinked forms of violence such as political violence, organized crime and terrorist attacks which exact human, social and economic costs. In the past decade, the recruitment of young people into violent and extremist groups has led some to view youth as a threat to global security and stability. However, research shows that the number of young people who actively participate in violence is a small minority, while the vast majority of youth are not prone to violence, despite the injustices, deprivations and abuse they can confront daily, particularly in conflict zones. Moreover, a growing body of evidence suggests that they can and do play active roles as agents of positive and constructive change, and the recently adopted Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security highlights this fact.  It is a formal recognition of the positive role youth can play in the maintenance of international peace and security.

The maintenance of global peace and security is a cross cutting issue that is critical to achieving all the Sustainable Development Goals. Several UN offices are involved in the promotion and maintenance of international peace and security including: the Security Council, General Assembly, Secretary-General, Departments of Peacekeeping Operations, Field Support and Political Affairs and the Peacebuilding Support Office. Universities and institutions of higher learning are also important actors because they educate future leaders and peacemakers, who will shape the course of peace building in the world.

Sustainable peace

Under the conceptions of peace, sustainable peace must be regarded as an important factor for the future of prosperity. Sustainable peace must be the priority of global society where state actors and non-state actors do not only seek for the profits in a near future that might violate the stable state of peace. For a sustainable peace, nurturing, empowerment, and communications are considered to be the crucial factors throughout the world. Firstly, nurturing is necessary to encourage psychological stability and emotional maturity. The significance of social value in adequate nurturing is important for sustainable peace. Secondly, in order to achieve real security, inner security must be secured along with arranged social systems and protection based on firm foundation. Lastly, communications are necessary to overcome ignorance and establish a community based on reliable and useful information. It will prevents isolation to take place which is critical to bring sustainable peace.

Peace and conflict studies

Peace and conflict studies is a social science field that identifies and analyzes violent and nonviolent behaviours as well as the structural mechanisms attending conflicts (including social conflicts), with a view towards understanding those processes which lead to a more desirable human condition. A variation on this, peace studies (irenology), is an interdisciplinary effort aiming at the prevention, de-escalation, and solution of conflicts by peaceful means, thereby seeking “victory” for all parties involved in the conflict.

This social science is in contrast to military studies, which has as its aim on the efficient attainment of victory in conflicts, primarily by violent means to the satisfaction of one or more, but not all, parties involved. Disciplines involved may include philosophy, political science, geography, economics, psychology, sociology, international relations, history, anthropology, religious studies, and gender studies, as well as a variety of others. Relevant sub-disciplines of such fields, such as peace economics, may be regarded as belonging to peace and conflict studies also.

Norwegian academic Johan Galtung is widely regarded as a founder of peace and conflict studies

Although individual thinkers such as Immanuel Kant had long recognized the centrality of peace (see Perpetual Peace), it was not until the 1950s and 1960s that peace studies began to emerge as an academic discipline with its own research tools, a specialized set of concepts, and forums for discussion such as journals and conferences. Beginning in 1959, with the founding of the Peace Research Institute Oslo- PRIO – (associated with Johan Galtung), a number of research institutes began to appear.

In 1963, Walter Isard, the principal founder of Regional science assembled a group of scholars in Malmö, Sweden, for the purpose of establishing the Peace Research Society. The group of initial members included Kenneth Boulding and Anatol Rapoport. In 1973, this group became the Peace Science Society. Peace science was viewed as an interdisciplinary and international effort to develop a special set of concepts, techniques and data to better understand and mitigate conflict. Peace science attempts to use the quantitative techniques developed in economics and political science, especially game theory and econometrics, techniques otherwise seldom used by researchers in peace studies. The Peace Science Society website hosts the second edition of the Correlates of War, one of the most well-known collections of data on international conflict. The society holds an annual conference, attended by scholars from throughout the world, and publishes two scholarly journals: Journal of Conflict Resolution and Conflict Management and Peace Science.

In 1964, the International Peace Research Association was formed at a conference organized by Quakers in Clarens, Switzerland. Among the original executive committee was Johan Galtung. The IPRA holds a biennial conference. Research presented at its conferences and in its publications typically focuses on institutional and historical approaches, seldom employing quantitative techniques. In 2001, the Peace and Justice Studies Association (PJSA) was formed as a result of a merger of two precursor organizations. The PJSA is the North American affiliate of IPRA and includes members from around the world with a predominance from the United States and Canada. The PJSA publishes a regular newsletter (The Peace Chronicle), and holds annual conferences on themes related to the organization’s mission “to create a just and peaceful world” through research, scholarship, pedagogy, and activism.

In 2008, Strategic Foresight Group presented its report on an innovative mechanism to find sustainable solution to conflicts in the Middle East. It also developed a new Water Cooperation Quotient, which is a measure of active cooperation by riparian countries in the management of water resources using 10 parameters including legal, political, technical, environmental, economic and institutional aspects.

        Now onward, the IRCRSD is active in its operations and has started initial research on the subject which is planned to be published soon.

2.    Vision             

        To create a community with higher standards of peace and civilization worldwide with unique approach of Social Development. We envision a community where conflicts will be resolved faster, with less stress, at less cost and with greater satisfaction to parties, communities, societies and countries involved.

3.    Mission Statement

        The mission of the IRCRSD is to conduct research on Conflict Resolution and Social Development and all relegated subjects including economic, political and social-environmental problems being faced by the people of various parts of the world affected by conflict.

4.    Aims & Objectives

        The Objective of IRCRSD is to study and explore why conflict and violence occur and learn how conflict can be managed and transformed to accomplish constructive ends. Moreover, How the Social Development of the area of conflict is affected by the conflict. IRCRSD also plans to enable the achievement of excellence by the research community, the Office of Research:

Our Research Values and Guiding Principles


  • We are committed to treating each other, our process partners and others we work with, as valued colleagues, guided by open communication, collaboration, partnership, integrity and respect in order to achieve our common goals.
  • We believe that our employees are our most valuable asset and we strive to recognize the dedication, expertise, hard work and creativity among members of our Office of Research community.
  • We are committed to providing a culture of continuous learning for all OR staff and the campus at large to foster a high level of expertise and provide the tools necessary for high performance.
  • We support a work/life balance for all the employees in our organization.


  • We encourage innovation, reflective thinking, flexibility and adaptability in our approaches to our work, in alignment with our mission to create client-centered services.


  • We make our decisions with openness and honesty, and to enhance the value of the organization campus-wide.
  • We promote responsible research practices in alignment with ethical principles and compliance regulations.


  • We encourage and promote open communication both within the Office of Research and with process partners and campus.
  • We build strong relationships with existing and potential sponsors
  • We join our research community in communicating the benefits of research to the state community, the nation and the world.


  • We value and welcome a diversity of staff, as an organization that is enriched by a multitude of perspectives and experiences.


  • We are committed to developing a range of resources and strategies designed to provide the highest level of quality services possible to the research community that positions the UW research program for a successful future.


  • We see our role in the future of the UW as making it easier for researchers to carry out their research by being responsive, proactive and innovative
  • We are committed to supporting the research effort at the UW, balancing service and compliance in a mutually beneficial approach.

Strategic Goals and Objectives

Add Value to the Overall Research Experience

  • Provide exceptional research administrative services while effectively managing risks and opportunities
  • Develop strategies and a plan for open and clear communication
  • Improve access to key information
  • Improve researcher productivity and satisfaction by reducing administrative burden
  • Decrease barriers to collaboration

Achieve Operational Excellence

  • Streamline business processes
  • Develop effective relationships with process partners and the campus research community
  • Identify and adapt best practices
  • Promote a culture of continuous process improvement
  • Embrace a culture of transparency and accountability
  • Strategically analyze risks and benefits

Add Value to the IRCRSD

  • Work within the Jurisdiction of Conflict Resolution and at an international level to impact world-wide strategic initiatives, strategic research directions and policies
  • Improve integration of research and education
  • Improve translation of research into the public benefit
  • Promote and enhance cross-cutting research initiatives
  • Increase and diversify external research funding

5.    Legal Status

        IRCRSD is registered under the ………..  Act by Office of the Registrar of ….. in UK/EU.

6.    Founder & Chairman

                Raja Abrar Ahmed is a world renowned Researcher, Writer, Journalist and Social worker who had been witnessing real face of conflict in the biggest ever conflict of the South East Asia “Kashmir”. In the teenage he had also tried to play his role to resolve the issue. For this purpose he joined many students’ political groups and then political platforms. But he found nobody was actively playing his role to resolve the Kashmir conflict in its real sense. He has written thousands of Articles in various national and International newspapers/Magazines and journals Moreover there are four books are on his credit:-

  1. Resolution of Kashmir Issue – A Path to Global Peace.
  2. Basic Journalism
  3. Community Development

4.     Politics of Pakistan & Kashmir – Need of A New Political System

7.    Organizational Chart

  1. Chairman
  • Senior Vice Chairman
  • Vice Chairman
  • General Secretary
  • Joint Secretary
  • Finance Secretary
  • Information Secretary
  • Director Research
  1. Director Conflict Resolution
  • Director Social Development

8.    Scope

A.    Conflict Resolution & Pease Building

  1. Conflict analysis and peace building
  2. Conflicts in Globe
  3. Conflicts in South Asia
  4. Kashmir Issue
  5. Counter-Radicalization/ Peace with Peace

B.    Social Development

  1. Social Development in the less developed Areas.
  2. Working on SDGs in South Asia
  3. Relief & Rehabilitation Activities in AJK Indian Occupied and Azad Kashmir

9.    Goals                

  1. Short Term Goals
    1. Thorough and Impartial Study of the Each and Every Conflict of the World
    2. Qualitative & Quantitative Research (Where it applies) for the Causes of the Conflict.
    3. Qualitative & Quantitative Research (Where it applies) for the Resolution of the Conflict.
    4. Issuance of Monthly Newsletter for the Attention of International Peace Building and Conflict Resolution Organizations of the World.
    5. Increase of Awareness amongst Masses and Civil Society for Peace Building and Conflict Resolution through various effective social media campaigns.
    6. Research Reports, Publications, Newsletters, Conferences, Meetings, Walks etc.
  2. Long Term Goals
    1. Establishment of Training Institute to teach Conflict Studies and Social Development

10.  Trainings and Internship

                Establishment of Training Institute to teach Conflict Studies and Social Development

11.  IRCIDS Digital Database on Conflict and Peace

                To Study Conflict and Peace, Various Theories and Conflicted Areas and establish a Digital Database to provide assistance to people and organizations willing to do research on the subject.

12.  IRCIDS Publications     

  1. Research Reports,
  2. Publications,
  3. Annual Reports
  4. Newsletters
  5. Face Books on Each Conflict

13.  Partnerships & Join Ventures       

                IRCRSD has open arms for any organization will to do joint venture for Conflict Resolution, Peace Building ad Social Development.

        Currently we have joint venture with following Non-Governmental Organizations

  1. Ikhtilaf News Media Group of Publications
  2. Save Humanity Foundation
  3. My Virtual University
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